Tag: IPv6

DNS DNS records Network Website

Why is Secondary DNS service beneficial?

Today we will talk about the Secondary DNS service. It provides additional authoritative nameservers to domain name owners to answer domain queries. But if you want to get deep into its purpose, why it is so important, and how you can get it, you are on the right article.

Secondary DNS service purpose

Secondary DNS is a service that can be used with your Primary DNS. It adds to your name server network by storing copies of the zone file holding your domain’s DNS records. These servers can replicate your domain’s Primary DNS zone file and provide additional points of presence (PoPs). So even if your Primary DNS is down, users can resolve your domain much faster this way! Isn’t it wonderful?

Why is a Secondary DNS server important?



Six Benefits Of IPv6

What is IPv6?

IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet protocol (IP). The purpose of Internet protocols is to set specific rules for the devices to send and receive information successfully. The exchange of information is between two hosts. So, for that reason, they have to be able to be identified. IP addresses come to help in this situation to track each host’s location. Finally, the two corresponding IP addresses are acknowledged, and the route is established for the entire data exchange.

