
Web redirect record: How to use it?

Web redirect record explained.

The Web Redirect (WR) record is commonly used. It helps with redirecting every request for a particular URL to a different URL. A URL redirect or HTTP forward are other ways in which it can be called. However, in most regular cases, it is written as a WR record.

Why do you need a Web redirect record?

You are capable of using it and make a specific web page accessible on several URL addresses. 

Web redirects are divided into two different types :

  • 301 redirect. Its purpose is to show search engines and visitors the web page was permanently relocated and ensures they are transferred to the accurate page. It indicates that the content on that specific URL is moved for good. Visitors are redirected to the new page, which has completely replaced the previous one.
  • 302 redirect. It is a change only for a particular period of time. It redirects your visitors and the search engines to the established new page. However, it is only for a short amount of time. At some point, the redirect is going to be removed. 

When to use web redirect records?

Here are some cases when it is a good idea to use a web redirect record. 

  • Show URL changes to search engines – You can use it when a URL does not exist anymore, or you want to modify the position of a page. Establishing redirects 301 or 302 is a perfect choice. Search engines will be able to index the new location and forget about the previous one.
  • Redirect multiple to one domain name – Let’s say you have a hard-to-spell brand and domain name. Purchasing all of the potentials misspells and redirecting them to the accurate one is a great idea. So, even if your clients can’t memorize the precise spelling of your brand, they will still be able to find the right website.
  • Short URL – It is a great method to generate super short links. Usually, it is easier for your customers. When they are shorter, it is easier to remember them. Additionally, you can also apply them to your marketing campaign.
  • Forward client to a different domain – Perfect solution, in case one of your businesses is not reachable. Direct your clients to another domain and avoid losing them.

Web redirect record structure

It has a simple and easy to understand the structure:

  • Host: Here is the name of the host.
  • Type: In this case, it is WR
  • Point to: Here, you type the new URL address.
  • TTL: Usually, by default, it is 1 hour.

How to use it?

  1. First, open the panel for your DNS management. You can find it in your domain registrar. In the other case, if you have a service for managed DNS, it would be there.
  2. Proceed and open the DNS zone, in which you desire to set the web redirect.
  3. Define what the type of DNS record is. In this case, you should choose web redirect or URL redirect. There are different variations based on the provider you use.
  4. It would be best if you pointed to the host for your domain name.
  5. Next, you should set the location to which you want to redirect it. It could be a URL from the same website or another one.
  6. Decide if it is going to be permanent (301 redirect) or just for a period of time (302 redirect).
  7. Lastly, you should confirm that everything is set and you are ready!

Complete list of HTTP status codes.