
5 Tips for choosing a Content Management System (CMS)

Ok, so you are convinced already that CMS (Content Management System) is a better solution for you than a Website Builder. Good! But which one tho chose? There are many options, and often it could be very confusing to make the decision. So here we have 5 tips for choosing a Content Management System that is right for your needs.

1. Think first about your business needs.

What kind of site are you going to build?

Suppose it is just a blog site, then go for Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, or Ghost.

For e-commerce sites check Magento, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Zen Cart, and OpenCart.

For a portfolio website, you might be ok with a Website builder instead of a CMS, but if you insist on CMS, go for WordPress or Joomla. Kirby might be great for creative groups and portfolio sites too.

For a typical non-interactive website, you can go with WordPress and a paid theme, Siteleaf, Joomla, or Drupal.

2. Don’t forget the plugins.

Think about a platform with a lot of available plugins. Check what kind of additional functionality you might need in the future. It could be adding a payment method, delivery method, additional graphical elements, etc. If you choose a content management system with a lot of built-in functions, but it lacks the right elements you need, you might get into a big problem.

3. Get a Content Management System (CMS) that you can afford.

Many of the CMSs are free and open-source, but still, there might be many expenses on the way. Let’s group the expenses, and you can compare them with your budget for the website.

Hosting. Is it a SaaS solution where you get it on a subscription plan or install it on your hosting? How much will the hosting cost?

Cost of the CMS. Does it cost anything or not? Does it has a free version and paid one?

Cost of plugins. What kind of additional features do you need? How much do they cost?

Backup. Can you backup it for free, or does it cost? How much?

4. Get a Content Management System (CMS) compatible with your skills.

One very important aspect of having a Content Management System (CMS) is managing it. Both front-end and back-end should be suitable for your skills or those of your team. You don’t want to get the “best CMS” and later not be able to administrate it. If you want a CMS with a lot of built-in features and relatively intuitive design, go for Joomla or WordPress. Both have a large community of users, and if you have a problem, you can find the answer. Joomla comes with more built-in features.

In case it is more complicated, can you find who to manage it and at what price? 

5. Make it visually stunning.

Apart from making it easy to use and fully functional, you must pay attention to the design. There are billions of sites in the world. So you must make it exceptionally attractive for your visitors. Get a designer who can create a custom theme for your site or choose a platform with enough premium themes to choose from.

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So, after considering all the tips above, your list of possible Content Management Systems should already be down to just a few choices. Go ahead and check them deeply. See review, commentaries, and live demos if there are. You can try them on localhost and see by yourself what site you can build before you go online. Remember, better choose wisely the first time because migration from one Content Management System (CMS) to another is not a simple task!